Roxby Downs

Proud Supporter of: BHP Roxby Downs Outback Cup $15,000 – Open Handicap, 1800m Proud Sponsor of the: AEM Consolidated $7,500, Benchmark 54, 1000 metres Proud Sponsors of: BSH Waste Solutions $7,500, Maiden Plate, 1000 metres Proud Sponsors of: Cleanaway $7,500, Benchmark 50, 1400 metres - $7,500 Proud Supporter of: BHP Roxby Downs Outback Cup $15,000 – Open Handicap, 1800m Proud Sponsor of the: AEM Consolidated $7,500, Benchmark 54, 1000 metres Proud Sponsors of: BSH Waste Solutions $7,500, Maiden Plate, 1000 metres Proud Sponsors of: Cleanaway $7,500, Benchmark 50, 1400 metres - $7,500 Proud Su porter of: BHP Roxby Downs Outback Cup $15,0 0 – Open Handicap, 18 0m Proud Sponsor of the: AEM Consolidated $7,500, Benchmark 54, 1 0 metres Proud Sponsors of: BSH Waste Solutions $7,500, Maiden Plate, 1 00 metres Proud Sponsors of: Cleanaway $7,5 0, Benchmark 50, 1400 metres - $7,5 0 Proud Supporter of: BHP Roxby Downs Outback Cup $15, 00 – Open Handicap, 1800m Prou Sponsor of the: AEM Consolidated $7,500, Benchmark 54, 1 00 metres Proud Sponsors of: BSH Waste Solutions $7,500, Maiden Plate, 1 00 metres Proud Sponsors of: Cle naway $7,500, Benchmark 50, 1400 metres - $7,500